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Help SFPA achieve non-profit status and expand its goals in promoting the speculative poetry community!
Issue 31 • January 2019
edited by Heather Moser

Introduction to Issue 31 • Crossroads

Deals made with demons and devils to gain earthly treasures in exchange for a soul. Journeys temporarily halted when multiple trails stretch before a hero. Goddesses guarding the liminal space between one realm to the next. Witches performing rituals where roads intersect. All of these recognizable themes take place at a pivotal location: the crossroads. Crossroads are found throughout myth and lore in countless cultures from the past to the present.

This issue of Eye to the Telescope explores various manifestations of the crossroads: from the intersection of physical paths to the intricacies of mental crossways. Throughout the poems collected in this issue, one aspect becomes clear—when crossroads appear in lore or in life, an important transition is at hand.

—Heather Moser